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Master of Public Health

MPH + PharmD

Here’s why you should consider adding a master in public health, especially in the wake of the Covid pandemic: Healthcare is changing fast.

Prevention is emphasized over treatment, and care is increasingly taking place in the home or the community. Above and beyond your pharmacology focus, you may find yourself administering vaccines, screening for diseases and offering health coaching. You’ll be in a position to help people stay healthy, better manage chronic conditions and age in place.

Your role as a pharmacist — arguably the most accessible of healthcare providers — will also give you the chance to assess community health needs, help identify and implement systems for disease surveillance and monitor health outcomes. With a master in public health, you’ll be ready for that role, equipped with an understanding of informatics, program design and evaluation.

Wingate’s MPH program, with an emphasis in health education and promotion, will give you the tools you need to maximize your pharmacy practice and navigate the ever-changing healthcare landscape. And perhaps best of all, you can get that master in public health while earning your PharmD.

Wingate’s dual degree can be completed in just four years.



Program overview

  • The Wingate University School of Pharmacy and Department of Public Health have expanded their course offerings with a Doctorate of Pharmacy and Master of Public Health dual degree program. 

  • The intentionally designed PharmD curriculum offers hands-on experience through a longitudinal skills lab, immersion in community healthcare outreach and rotations during every year of the program.

  • The MPH integrative curriculum with a focus on health education and promotion is a flexible, online degree pathway. With both degrees, you’ll be able to explore a variety of career options.

  • Dual degree students will interact with accomplished public health faculty and community partners who will mentor students and offer robust applied practice experiences to prepare them as a future healthcare professional with public health knowledge and skills. 

  • The dual degree program plan of study allows for PharmD transfer credits to be applied to the MPH program.

  • You'll earn a masters (MPH) and doctorate degree (PharmD) in just four years and at a reduced tuition cost that can be paid in equal installments over eight semesters.

PharmD + MPH Plan of Study

Curriculum Overview

  • As a dual-degree student, you'll begin taking public health courses at the beginning of your second year in the School of Pharmacy, enrolling in one or two MPH-specific courses each semester

  • The MPH integrative curriculum, with a focus on health education and promotion, is a flexible online (asynchronous and synchronous) degree pathway that complements the PharmD curriculum.

  • The PharmD curriculum design offers students more hands-on experience through a longitudinal skills lab, continual immersion in community healthcare outreach, and real-world application through pharmacy rotations during every year of the curriculum. This unique blend of curriculum will allow successful PharmD/MPH graduates to explore a wide variety of career options upon  entering the healthcare and/or public health workforce. 

MPH and PharmD button

Public Health Club

Wingate's Public Health Club is a student organization consisting of various BSPH and MPH students. The clubs main goals are to to unite students' passion about public health, foster a space for learning, collaboration, and advocacy to drive positive health impacts in the Wingate University Campus and surrounding community.  In doing so, students in the club arrange health related community services opportunities and host public health speaker and health awareness events. If your looking to get involved or to learn more please follow the club on Instagram @wupublichealth.

Club Website

Ready to Apply?

  • Complete the online PharmD/MPH application here by July 9, 2024.

  • Be prepared to submit, as a part of the  application, an updated resume and personal statement addressing the below prompt. 

  • Write a 500-1000 word essay describing your motivation for applying to the PharmD/MPH dual degree program and your future career aspirations. Please include how your academic, professional, and personal experiences have helped you prepare for this opportunity.

  • Admissions to the PharmD/MPH is dependent upon a recommendation from the Wingate University School of Pharmacy and successful continuation in the PharmD coursework. 

  • Disclosure: Please note, if you decide to apply for the PharmD/MPH program, your previously submitted PharmCAS application and Wingate University unofficial transcripts to date will be used as a part of the dual degree program admissions review process.


Dr. Shanta R. Dube, PhD, MPH
Director of Master of Public Health Program

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