One curriculum, two campuses
The Doctor of Pharmacy program is offered on the Wingate and Hendersonville campuses. Innovative technology allows for synchronous classroom instruction on both campuses.
The curriculum is designed with students in mind, offering a variety of teaching methods and opportunities for students to tailor their pharmacy education through an increased number of elective opportunities. Students may also earn digital badges to be displayed to showcase individualized training, certifications, and credentials to potential employers. Our curriculum equips students with the knowledge, skills, and professional attributes needed to practice in any healthcare setting and address the needs of any patient.
Six curricular threads define our program: integrated pharmacotherapy modules, community engagement, skills lab, pathways, experiential education and interprofessional education. All classes, case studies, discussion and laboratory sessions are intentionally designed by faculty to ensure collaboration, evidence-based teaching and assessment strategies, and individualized student advising and support. Notes are provided before classes and utilize strategies and techniques that support optimal learning for the material presented.
Patient care is practiced in each year of the program. Clinical rotations in community pharmacy, health systems, ambulatory clinics and acute care facilities are all integral, required experiences within the curriculum. Additionally, students are allowed to elect special rotations to build special clinical or management skills.
Six Curricular Threads
#1 Integrated Pharmacotherapy Modules (IGP) - Following a foundational first-semester course, this thread includes a series of integrated courses, organized by body systems, which describe the physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, and pharmacotherapy for the treatment of common medical disorders. This series of courses provides future pharmacists with a well-rounded knowledge of pharmaceutical and clinical sciences for application in pharmacy practice.
#2 Social and Administrative Sciences (SAS) - This thread develops engaged community members who solve patient, population, profession, and health care problems utilizing evidence and innovation, while maintaining necessary legal and ethical considerations. As life-long learners,the goal is to utilize and continually evolve cultural and structural competency to communicate and collaborate effectively as members of inter- and intraprofessional teams.
#3 Skills Lab - This thread complements courses taught in the classroom and involves a combination of lab activities and case discussions to augment student learning. The goal of this thread is application of foundational, clinical, and affective domain knowledge and skills in preparation for successful pharmacy practice.
#4 Pathways - This thread provides a flexible platform which allows for exploration of and additional development in a variety of practice areas to increase opportunities for employment in unique areas of pharmacy practice. This thread offers a mixture of programs and partnerships in live and virtual formats, taking advantage of partnerships between the school and the university and external stakeholders.
#5 Experiential Education - This thread prepares practice-ready pharmacists who competently apply skills and knowledge acquired in curricular and co-curricular experiences. This thread begins with introductory experiences in community and hospital pharmacy in the first and second years, faculty-led third year rotation experiences in ambulatory care and inpatient medicine, and culminates in a year of full-time rotation experiences in a variety of practice settings.
#6 Interprofessional Education - This thread builds upon and reinforces concepts taught throughout the SAS and Skills Lab threads through intentionally designed courses where students learn about, with, and from students in other health professions programs (e.g., Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physician Assistant, Nursing, Medicine).
Wingate Campus
(704) 233-8331
Hendersonville Campus
(828) 697-0105