To be eligible for admission consideration to the Wingate University PA program enrolling fall semester 2026, each applicant must fulfill the following requirements. Please keep in mind that completing these requirements qualifies you to apply to our program and does not guarantee an interview. Unless otherwise stated below, all requirements must be fulfilled by January 15, 2026.
There are no waivers or exceptions to any of these requirements except for those published in this document. Wingate University PA program offers no advanced placement and does not accept transfer credit from any prior enrollment in any health science, medical, or related program. No advanced placement is offered for health science work or study experience. Each student accepted in the PA program at Wingate University must satisfy all requirements of the didactic and clinical years of study.
Applications are carefully reviewed by the Admission Committee utilizing a holistic approach that considers qualitative and quantitative factors to ensure that we are fulfilling the mission of the program. This multifaceted process focuses on academic credentials as well as evidence of:
- leadership
- a commitment to service
- grit/resilience
- a shared commitment to the program and its mission
- unique experiences that contribute to learning
A qualified applicant who was previously enrolled in another PA program will be considered for admission only after consultation with the director of the former PA program. Qualified applicants who are graduates of Wingate University will be given preference in the admission process over other similarly qualified applicants.
- Tuition
- CASPA application
- U.S. citizenship, residency, and immigration status
- Language Proficiency/TOEFL Requirement
- Completion of bachelor's degree or higher in the U.S.
- Completion of 9 prerequisite courses
- Technical standards acknowledgment
- GRE scores submitted to CASPA via ETS
- Letters of recommendation
- Minimum 500 hours of clinical experience
- Preferences and Considerations
- Personal interview
- Tuition deposit
- Immunization Requirements
- Application Checklist
- Virtual Information Session
CASPA application
U.S. citizenship, residency, and immigration status
Language Proficiency/TOEFL Requirement
Completion of bachelor's degree or higher in the U.S.
Completion of 9 prerequisite courses
Technical standards acknowledgment
GRE scores submitted to CASPA via ETS
Letters of recommendation
Minimum 500 hours of clinical experience
Preferences and Considerations
Personal interview
Tuition deposit
Immunization Requirements
Application Checklist
Virtual Information Session
Application Open from:
April 25, 2025 - Jan. 15, 2026
CASPA Application Verification Deadline:
Jan. 15, 2026
All requirements must be completed by:
Jan. 15, 2026
Degree Conferral must be attained by:
June 15, 2026
The Wingate University Physician Assistant Studies program uses Central Application Service for Physician Assistants (CASPA) as our admissions application for the programs in Wingate and Hendersonville, NC. Applicants are asked to choose either the Wingate or Hendersonville Campus in order to submit a CASPA application. There is no supplemental application for this program.
Two Campuses...One Program
The Wingate University Physician Assistant Studies Program admits one class each year, up to sixty students, beginning in late August. About forty students are admitted to the Wingate campus and twenty to the Hendersonville campus. Through advanced technology, we offer synchronous distance learning, wherein faculty interact in real time with students, regardless of which Wingate University location they’re attending. Every student can engage with other students at both locations during class. Only the hands-on lab courses are taught separately on each campus.
The Wingate campus is located just 30 minutes outside of Charlotte, nestled on 540 rolling acres. Impressive facilities on campus and unmatched opportunities as Wingate is positioned in the heart of North Carolina's healthcare providers. The Hendersonville campus offers an educational experience in the mountains of western North Carolina with all of its natural beauty and diversity. Opportunities are offered in this area to work in a variety of environments, including under-served populations as well as distinguished healthcare providers in state-of-the-art facilities.
Separate Facilities...Equal Opportunities
Scholastic Resources: Students on both campuses have access to all of the same scholastic resources to include Dynamed Plus and Access Medicine through the library website. Librarian services and research tools are similarly available online.
Student Health Services: The Wingate campus houses the Student Health Center which is available equally to undergraduate and graduate students on location. Students on the Hendersonville campus have access to multiple urgent care, primary care, and hospital services in the local area. Certain vaccines, such as the annual influenza vaccine, may be made available on campus. Availability is determined on a year-to-year basis.
Fitness Center: Tuition includes fitness center access: Wingate Campus employees and students can use the McGee Athletic Center. Students, staff, and faculty on the Hendersonville campus are provided with a complimentary membership to western North Carolina YMCA facilities. The Hendersonville YMCA is located across the street from campus. Students may attend any western NC YMCA after registering for their membership.
Wingate Eats (Cafeteria): Cafeteria services and various small dining establishments are available to students on the Wingate campus. Hendersonville students enjoy breakfast, lunch, and grab-and-go snacks from the Overlook Cafe, which is located on campus. The cafe offers a wide range of menu options at reasonable prices. It is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. The town of Hendersonville also boasts many small eateries and restaurants that deliver.
Counseling Services: Wingate University offers counseling to all students via in-person appointments or telehealth. Hendersonville students seeking services may reach out to the Counseling Services Center by emailing Additional information is available here.
Academic Resources Center (ARC): All services offered by the ARC, including exam proctoring, are available to students on both campuses.
Contact Us
Wingate Campus
(704) 233-8051
Hendersonville Campus
(828) 309-0609