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A header for the Lyceum program with a man speaking and the Wingate stripes
A header for the Lyceum program with a woman speaking and the Wingate stripes
Lyceum Logo 2023


Assemble, educate and support students by providing them with educational keys that unlock the doors of discovery and knowledge of the world around them and of themselves. The goal is to transform them into intentional and responsible Difference-Makers.


An enriched educational environment that offers high-impact events and expands the way students and the campus community observe the world around them and themselves.





A pie chart showing the types of Lyceum programming.

Students attend a minimum of 4 events from each category and 8 more “elective” events from any of the categories. Students who transfer in credits have fewer required Lyceum events depending on how many credits they transferred. 

The Lyceum Program is a graduation requirement for undergraduate students. In order to graduate, students must attend 24 Lyceum events selected from four broad categories:

  • Academic lectures explore scholarly topics that are relevant to current events or controversies and are of importance and interest to a wide variety of students. Prominent lecturers and panelists help students explore topics related to their own disciplines or may introduce them to important concepts from other fields of interest.
  • Personal and professional growth events allow students to explore issues related to personal and career development, including understanding diversity, civic engagement, personal health and wellness, resume-building, career pathways, and leadership.
  • Faith and character development events encourage students to explore their own beliefs and faith experiences, and those of others.
  • Fine arts presentations and performances allow students to learn about and enjoy a wide variety of performances, including dance, film, music, photography, theater, and vocal performance, from locally and nationally acclaimed artists.

Why Lyceum?

  • To help students put domestic and global current events in context.
  • To help students discover their strengths, capabilities, values and passions outside of the classroom.
  • To encourage a sense of community and belonging.
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Keyua McElveen
(704) 233-8245