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how to request accommodations

Are you requesting accommodations for the first time as a Wingate University student? If you'll need to complete the disability support request form to apply for academic and non academic accommodations. The purpose of registering with the Office of Disability Support Services is to ensure an equal opportunity for success in your college experience by making sure that reasonable conditions are determined and implemented in an appropriate manner.

Three Step Process

Step 1: Complete the New Accommodations Request (Access WU)

Step 2: Upload supporting medical documentation that meets the General Documentation Guidelines. . You may alternatively use the Disability Verification Form instead of providing a letter from the doctor. Either should be completed by the doctor's office rather than the family. You can also submit it by email ( or fax (704-233-8268). Electronic documents should be submitted in Word or PDF formats only. 

Step 3: Participate in an interactive conversation about your request to determine whether reasonable accommodations are necessary and appropriate.

Documentation & Policies guidelines

The first step in receiving accommodations is for you to self-disclose a disability and provide documentation to support it. Don't worry, all documentation is kept confidential in the Office of Disability Support Services. Just keep these seven guidelines in mind regarding disability documentation:

  1. The documentation you provide must be current.

  2. Documentation must be comprehensive. Make sure your documentation includes a clear and specific diagnosis as well as an explanation of current, functional limitation or barriers to access.

  3. Assessments of learning must be done using adult norms.

  4. Documentation for any disability must have been conducted by a professional qualified to do so for the particular disability. The licensed practitioner should not be a family member.

  5. Accommodations and services are based on assessment of the current impact on academic performance or access to the university’s programs, facilities and services. An IEP, 504 plan or summary letter alone is insufficient to establish eligibility for disability support services.

  6. In the case of physical, health-related, psychiatric, head/brain injury and other disabilities, the documentation provided must include at minimum: a diagnostic statement with the date of the diagnosis, the current level of functioning and s description of limitations as they relate to the university’s physical and educational environment.

  7. The Office of Disability Support Services will review your documentation to determine if/which accommodations will be made.



The Office of Disability Support Services
(704) 233-8271