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Educational Studies

Thayer School of Education

Take your degree further...


Licensure Program

Graduate Degrees

The Educational Studies major is non-licensure interdisciplinary major with an emphasis on educational foundations and liberal arts.  It offers students an opportunity to pursue interests and careers related to education, but not necessarily K-12 teaching. Students have the option to take interdisciplinary coursework related to one of several concentrations (Humanities, Language and Literacy, Mathematics and Science).

Students who earn this non-licensure degree will have the option of obtaining licensure post-baccalaureate through a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree or alternative process, working with students in a setting that does not require teacher licensure (e.g., private or religious schools, non-profit organizations, educational support services), or pursuing graduate work in a non-teaching field.  

Students may switch to a licensure program provided they have met all requirements for admission to Teacher Education prior to enrolling in ED 306—Curriculum and Instruction.  Students in licensure programs (Elementary Education, Middle Grades Education, Secondary Education, or K-12 programs) may change to Educational Studies at any point.



Dr. Brie Leggat Johnson
(704) 233-8148