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Student Loan Repayment

Exit Loan Counseling

Are you a recent graduate or graduating soon? Make sure to complete your Loan Exit Counseling.


Who needs to complete Loan Exit Counseling?

Student borrowers who are:

  • Graduating
  • Leaving school
  • Dropping below half-time enrollment


Why do I need to complete Exit Counseling?

The purpose is to prepare student borrowers for their Loan Repayment period they are about to enter. Completing Exit Counseling is a graduation requirement as well as a requirement of the Department of Education.


Where do I complete Loan Exit Counseling?

Visit and log in with your FSA ID and password. From the "Loan Repayment" dropdown, select "Loan Exit Counseling."

Go to Exit Counseling

Student Loan Repayment Plans

Not sure which repayment plan is right for you? Click here to learn more about the plan options.

Repayment Ready chart


Financial Aid
(704) 233-8209